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  • 内部: 3

  • 外部: 1938

  • 国内: 1908

  • 国外: 33



  • 内部: 225

  • 外部: 8740

  • 国内: 8743

  • 国外: 222

1. Reduced carbon emission estimates from fossil fuel combustion and .. [1290]
2. Global mapping reveals increase in lacustrine algal blooms over th.. [1132]
3. International principles and standards for the practice of ecologi.. [908]
4. Water scarcity assessments in the past, present, and future [802]
5. Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) - a community pe.. [625]
6. Global terrestrial water storage and drought severity under climat.. [374]
7. Globally observed trends in mean and extreme river flow attributed.. [303]
8. PEATMAP: Refining estimates of global peatland distribution based .. [256]
9. Epistemological dimensions of the water-energy-food nexus approach.. [249]
10. Deceleration of China's human water use and its key drivers [247]
11. Concerns about phytoplankton bloom trends in global lakes [237]
12. Suitable and optimal locations for implementing photovoltaic water.. [233]
13. The Water-Energy Nexus of Megacities Extends Beyond Geographic Bou.. [232]
14. Challenges in operationalizing the water-energy-food nexus [231]
15. Making global river ecosystem health assessments objective, quanti.. [229]
16. Different seasonality of nitrate export from an agricultural water.. [228]
17. Water scarcity hotspots travel downstream due to human interventio.. [224]
18. Global urban expansion offsets climate-driven increases in terrest.. [223]
19. Managing the energy-water-food nexus for sustainable development [198]
20. Global water security: A shining star in the dark sky of achieving.. [196]
21. Intercomparison of ten ISI-MIP models in simulating discharges alo.. [194]
22. 基于水足迹理论的水资源评价———以河北省张家口市宣化区为例 [193]
23. Mitigating heat-related mortality risk in Shanghai, China: system .. [189]
24. The dangers of Arctic zombie wildfires [189]
25. Physical water scarcity metrics for monitoring progress towards SD.. [188]
26. A reversal in global terrestrial stilling and its implications for.. [188]
27. A Review of Water Stress and Water Footprint Accounting [188]
28. Life Cycle Analysis of Carbon Flow and Carbon Footprint of Harvest.. [184]
29. Large uncertainty on forest area change in the early 21st century .. [183]
30. Numerical simulation of na-tech cascading disasters in a large oil.. [182]
31. A multi-strategy-mode waterlogging-prediction framework for urban .. [178]
32. Quantifying Water Scarcity in Northern China Within the Context of.. [177]
33. A Spatially Explicit Assessment of Growing Water Stress in China F.. [175]
34. Using stable isotopes of surface water and groundwater to quantify.. [172]
35. Divergent sensitivity of surface water and energy variables to pre.. [171]
36. Research on quantitative assessment of climate change risk at an u.. [171]
37. Linking physical water consumption with virtual water consumption:.. [169]
38. Evapotranspiration simulations in ISIMIP2a-Evaluation of spatio-te.. [169]
39. Hydropower Production Benefits More From 1.5 °C than 2 °C Clim.. [169]
40. Policy-driven changes in enclosure fisheries of large lakes in the.. [168]
41. China's coal-fired power plants impose pressure on water resources [168]
42. Changes of inundation area and water turbidity of Tonle Sap Lake: .. [168]
43. Quantifying economic-social-environmental trade-offs and synergies.. [165]
44. Panta Rhei 2013-2015: global perspectives on hydrology, society an.. [164]
45. Searching for “Win-Win” solutions for food-water-GHG emissions t.. [164]
46. Anthropogenic transformation of Yangtze Plain freshwater lakes: pa.. [163]
47. Multi-Spectral Water Index (MuWI): A Native 10-m Multi-Spectral Wa.. [159]
48. Water footprint of Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration in China [159]
49. Assessing the interlinkage of green and blue water in an arid catc.. [159]
50. Large Uncertainties in Runoff Estimations of GLDAS Versions 2.0 an.. [159]
51. City-level water withdrawal in China: Accounting methodology and .. [159]
52. Evaluation of short-term streamflow prediction methods in Urban ri.. [159]
53. Impacts of Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes on Water Yield: A Case .. [157]
54. Can multi-objective calibration of streamflow guarantee better hyd.. [156]
55. 水资源与生态系统模拟系统(WAYS) [156]
56. Future increases in irrigation water requirement challenge the wat.. [154]
57. Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Pluvial Flood Risk Management [154]
58. Theory of stepwise ecological restoration 渐进式生态修复理论 [154]
59. A comparison of changes in river runoff from multiple global and c.. [153]
60. On knowledge generation and use for sustainability [152]
61. Past and Future Changes in Climate and Water Resources in the Lanc.. [152]
62. Peak of CO2 emissions in various sectors and provinces of China: R.. [151]
63. Global and regional phosphorus budgets in agricultural systems and.. [150]
64. “量-质-生”三维水资源短缺评价:评述及展望 [150]
65. Water security: Gray or green? [149]
66. Water as an urban heat sink: Blue infrastructure alleviates urban .. [149]
67. Water resources conservation and nitrogen pollution reduction unde.. [148]
68. WAYS v1: A hydrological model for root zone water storage simulati.. [147]
69. Observed Changes of Köppen Climate Zones Based on High‐Resolutio.. [146]
70. Evolution of the field of ecological restoration over the last thr.. [144]
71. The development of China's Yangtze River Economic Belt: how to mak.. [144]
72. Human-water interface in hydrological modelling: current status an.. [143]
73. Explaining virtual water trade: A spatial-temporal analysis of the.. [142]
74. Towards Ecological-Economic Integrity in the Jing-Jin-Ji Regional .. [141]
75. Identification of Urban Rainstorm Waterlogging Based on Multi-sour.. [141]
76. Quantifying Uncertainties in Extreme Flood Predictions under Clima.. [140]
77. Scientific debate of Panta Rhei research–how to advance our knowl.. [140]
78. 基于改进RVA法的黑河上游水文情势变化分析 [140]
79. 面向生态文明的生态系统服务——2017年第九届国际生态系统服务大会述评 [138]
80. Hydrology in a coupled human-natural system: Research, innovation,.. [138]
81. Understanding the impacts of climate change and socio-economic dev.. [136]
82. Resource nexus for sustainable development: Status quo and prospec.. [135]
83. Increased Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations in Peat-Fed UK W.. [133]
84. Compound climate extreme events threaten migratory birds’conserva.. [132]
85. Burden shifting of water quantity and quality stress from megacity.. [131]
86. Keeping global warming within 1.5 degrees C constrains emergence o.. [130]
87. Synthesized trade-off analysis of flood control solutions under fu.. [130]
88. Technical and economic analysis of amine-based carbon capture and .. [129]
89. South-south cooperation for large-scale ecological restoration [129]
90. Integrated water resources management and modeling: A case study o.. [128]
91. Reducing human nitrogen use for food production [127]
92. Worldwide evaluation of mean and extreme runoff from six global-sc.. [126]
93. A framework to quantify impacts of elevated CO(2 )concentration, g.. [125]
94. Evaluations and Improvements of GLDAS2.0 and GLDAS2.1 Forcing Data.. [125]
95. Ecosystem Services are Nature’s Contributions to People: Response.. [125]
96. An ensemble-based dynamic Bayesian averaging approach for discharg.. [124]
97. Estimating cropland carbon mitigation potentials in China affected.. [124]
98. Feasibility of coupling pv system with long-distance water transfe.. [122]
99. Savings and losses of global water resources in food-related virtu.. [119]
100. Global assessment of nitrogen losses and trade-offs with yields fr.. [111]
1. Observed Changes of Köppen Climate Zones Based on High‐Resolutio.. [4]
2. Impacts of Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes on Water Yield: A Case .. [2]
3. Water scarcity hotspots travel downstream due to human interventio.. [2]
4. Water scarcity assessments in the past, present, and future [2]
5. Changes of inundation area and water turbidity of Tonle Sap Lake: .. [2]
6. Large uncertainty on forest area change in the early 21st century .. [2]
7. Global water security: A shining star in the dark sky of achieving.. [2]
8. Making global river ecosystem health assessments objective, quanti.. [1]
9. Evolution of the field of ecological restoration over the last thr.. [1]
10. Multi-Spectral Water Index (MuWI): A Native 10-m Multi-Spectral Wa.. [1]
11. Reducing human nitrogen use for food production [1]
12. Life Cycle Analysis of Carbon Flow and Carbon Footprint of Harvest.. [1]
13. International principles and standards for the practice of ecologi.. [1]
14. Assessing the interlinkage of green and blue water in an arid catc.. [1]
15. Global urban expansion offsets climate-driven increases in terrest.. [1]
16. Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Pluvial Flood Risk Management [1]
17. Numerical simulation of na-tech cascading disasters in a large oil.. [1]
18. Concerns about phytoplankton bloom trends in global lakes [1]
19. 缺水型河流渐进式生态修复理论、技术及应用 [1]
20. 河流生态复苏关键技术及应用 [1]
21. 流域河湖多元监测与智慧决策关键技术及应用 [1]