中文版 | English


SONG Jiahao
0702 物理学
07 理学








In the information technology era, the demands for computing and storage technologies are rapidly increasingly, especially in high-density memory and computing. However, the traditional von Neumann architecture, due to the separation of storage and computation unit, exhibits inherent limitations in the advancement of computing technology, particularly as Moore’s law approaches its theoretical limit. To counter this backdrop, memristors emerge as an innovative non-volatile memory technology that emulates the functions of human brain synapses, offering a critical physical foundation for developing future artificial intelligence systems. Their potential for high-density storage and low-energy operations, alongside their role in advancing neuromorphic computing, has garnered widespread attention in the science and industry.

Despite significant progress in the theoretical and experimental exploration of memristor technology, several key technical challenges persist in transitioning to practical system applications, especially concerning device cyclic stability and device-to-device variation across multiple devices. The performance of memristors is heavily influenced by the dynamics of conductive filaments, whose random growth and rupture contribute to variations in device performance and hinder the application of large-scale memristor crossbar arrays.

This thesis concentrates on the controllability of conductive nanofilaments, aiming to enhance the cycle stability and uniformity of memristor devices by precisely controlling the formation and rupture processes through nano-composite techniques. The main research content includes:

(1) Through self-assembly growth to construct aperiodic array of nanocolumn structure, the structure of nickel element nanocolumns embedded in barium titanate matrix, Utilizing the phase transition between metallic nickel and nickel oxide within the nickel element nanocolumns to enhance the controllability of filament formation/breakdown ,as well as the uniformity of filament distribution, ultimately enhancing the stability and uniformity of memristor devices (Low resistance state and High resistance state cyclic stability dispersion reduced to 13% and 9%, and device to device variation reduced to 44% and 99%).

(2) Constructing a barium titanate and nickel oxide superlattice enables multi-point control over the formation/breakdown of conductive filaments. This control is realized through the random growth/rupture processes at multiple points, enhancing the controllability of filament formation/breakdown. As filaments attempt to form across superlattice interfaces, they encounter barriers that impede the migration of oxygen vacancies, blocking unstable migration paths and allowing only stable conductive pathways to emerge. This mechanism further enhances device cyclic stability (Low resistance state and High resistance state cyclic stability dispersion reduced to 22% and 9%). The multi-layer stacking approach, aligned with the Central Limit Theorem from statistics, ensures uniformity among device conductive filaments, thereby improving device-to-device uniformity (Low resistance state and High resistance state device uniformity dispersion reduced to 39% and 23%).

This study employed nano-composite technology to construct composite structures of nanorods and superlattice, we achieve controlled conductive nanofilament formation/rupture and uniform distribution within memristors, significantly enhancing filament stability and uniformity. Through this strategy, we not only improve the cyclic stability of individual devices but also the uniformity across multiple devices, offering new approach to improve memristor performance.


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GB/T 7714
宋家豪. 纳米复合调控纳米导电细丝提升忆阻器性能研究[D]. 深圳. ,2024.
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