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Active Scene Flow Estimation for Autonomous Navigation in Complex Scenes
WANG Shuaijun
0812 计算机科学与技术
08 工学

       主动场景流估计技术通过实时主动选取合理的自车点云观测位姿作为局部目标,利用运动规划算法,提高观测数据质量,减少相邻点云帧之间的对应点缺失,结合场景流估计算法提高实时估计的准确度。然而,主动场景流估计技术的研究面临以下挑战:(1) 缺乏支持该研究的数据集与算法训练验证的一体化技术架构;(2) 如何在大尺度环境下优化场景流估计方法;(3) 如何在小尺度环境下优化场景流估计方法;(4) 如何通过智能的局部目标选取与自车运动规划来提高点云数据采集质量。为解决上述问题,主动场景流估计技术需要从点云数据主动观测和场景流实时估计两个角度进行改进。本文针对主动场景流估计所需要的数据集与算法验证架构、大尺度场景流估计算法设计、小尺度场景流估计算法设计、以及点云数据主动观测开展了以下四个方面的研究:


   The autonomous navigation systems usually consists of three modules: global planning, environment perception, and local planning. The global planning module is dedicated to formulating the coarse-grained motion path for the autonomous vehicle. The environment perception module can estimate the ego-vehicle's position in real-time, motion information about surrounding objects, and drivable areas for itself. Meanwhile, the local planning module focuses on selecting appropriate local waypoints, refining the local motion path, and generating corresponding motion control commands. In contrast to other environment perception methods, the scene flow (SF) estimation technique can estimate the 3D point-wise motion vector based on the point cloud measurement data from the environment. This technique facilitates precise ego-vehicle localization, real-time detection of moving targets, accurate estimation of drivable areas and the ego-vehicle's motion trajectory, outputting reasonable motion control commands, and enhancing system safety and decision-making efficiency. However, when confronted with hazard factors such as object obstructions, rapid-moving entities, and the down-sampling of point cloud data within perception methods, many corresponding points between successive point cloud frames may be lost, leading to errors in SF estimation. Meanwhile, improper upsampling operations in SF estimation can also cause estimation errors.
    Many existing methodologies inadequately exploit the spatiotemporal correlations inherent in point clouds, thereby neglecting the impact of data quality on the precision of SF estimation. Consequently, improving existing methods while considering these factors is imperative to improve the accuracy and robustness of SF estimation for complex traffic environments. The active SF estimation method can enhance the quality of the point cloud and reduces the occurrence of missing corresponding points between adjacent frames of point cloud data, which is achieved by judiciously selecting reasonable ego-vehicle poses as local targets and employing motion planning methods to improve the accuracy of real-time SF estimation. However, developing a robust active SF estimation method in dynamic environments has to address the following technical challenges: (1) how to build an active SF dataset for verification, (2) how to optimize real-time estimation of the SF within a large-scale view, (3) how to optimize real-time estimation of the SF within a limited view, and (4) how to enhance SF quality through active sensing techniques.
    To address above issues, the active SF estimation technique must be improved from two perspectives: active observation of point cloud data and real-time SF estimation. This thesis undertakes the research in four key areas related to active SF estimation: (1) the framework for dataset construction and method validation, (2) the small-scale SF estimation method, (3) the large-scale SF estimation method, and (4) active observation techniques for improving point cloud data quality.
    First, we propose an integrated framework for constructing and annotating active SF datasets, tailored for algorithm training and validation in autonomous driving system simulations. At first, this framework utilizes self-defined traffic scenarios to autonomously collect data at any scale, to meet the requirements of validating active SF estimation algorithms. Then, this framework addresses the problem of lacking interactive validation of point cloud observation techniques, to meet the requirements of active observation methods for data collection and algorithm verification of reproducible scenes. Furthermore, it employs instance-level object-matching methods to automatically annotate SF data, providing accurate ground truth for algorithm evaluation. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method for constructing and annotating SF datasets satisfies the demands for data diversity, annotation precision, and active SF estimation methods validation.
   Second, we present an approach to SF estimation in large-scale complex environments, aiming to address the challenges posed by the absence of corresponding points, complicated motion patterns, and large motion scales. At first, we develop a temporal feature bi-directional matching based accuracy improvement strategy, achieved by using point cloud spatial transformation, a self-attention mechanism, and contextual point cloud information. Then, we develop a spatial multi-scale SF feature consistency to extract the spatial correspondence points, enhancing the stability of SF estimation features. Finally, we develop a neural network with a spatiotemporal consistency bi-directional attention mechanism module to reduce the missing points'harmful impacts and refine SF estimation accuracy, featured with the parallel computing capability of the Transformer attention mechanism. Experimental results validate the efficacy of our method, which not only addresses challenges stemming from data noise and missing data in large-scale SF estimation but also effectively distinguishes complex scene features.
   Third, we propose a local feature consistency-based SF estimation method to address the harmful impacts of missing correspondence points and up-sampling operations on SF estimation in small-scale complex scenes. At first, we develop a robust multi-scale bi-directional symmetric feature similarity strategy and the MLP-Mixer operation to address the point cloud feature association problem caused by missing correspondence points. Then, we develop an upsampling strategy by fusing the semantic and geometric information of scene stream features and considering the local neighborhood feature correlation between neighboring frames and data from the same frame, contributing to improved SF up-sampling quality. Finally, we develop a network structure featuring two alternate modules of updated cost volume and SF estimation for improving the SF estimation accuracy. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can improve the SF estimation accuracy and SF feature quality, as well as enhance the fidelity of the up-sampled SF.
    Fourth, we propose an active observation method based on intelligent local target selection and reinforcement learning based motion planning to mitigate the impact of low-quality point clouds on SF estimation. At first, we develop a reliable reachable area estimation strategy through hidden points removal based scene prediction and a legality checking scheme between the ego-vehicle and the road as well as between the ego-vehicle and the predicted scene. Then, we develop an efficient local target decision strategy by comprehensively evaluating the disparity between two frames of point clouds using a suitable scene similarity measure. Finally, we develop a reinforcement learning-based motion planning approach with an adaptive perception confidence network and reward function to ensure the safe arrival at the local target through the drivable area for the ego-vehicle. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed active local target selection technique effectively enhances point cloud data quality and improves SF estimation algorithm performance. Additionally, the motion planning method yields a high success rate in obstacle avoidance, ensuring the secure arrival at local targets.
    In summary, this thesis revolves around four main topics: the development of an active SF dataset and estimation method validation framework, the development of a point cloud active observation strategy, and the development of SF estimation techniques applicable to both large-scale and small-scale scenes. These efforts aim to ensure the theoretical soundness and practical applications of the proposed methodology.


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