//www.snoollab.com:80/handle/2SGJ60CL/155 2024-08-03T02:51:24Z 2024-08-03T02:51:24Z 环丁漫话(二十四节气七十二物候) 张英棠 胡清 //www.snoollab.com:80/handle/2SGJ60CL/647111 2024-01-05T01:23:33Z 2024-01-05T01:23:31Z 题名: 环丁漫话(二十四节气七十二物候) 作者: 张英棠; 胡清 摘要: <p>环境科普读物《环丁漫画:二十四节气,七十二物候》里,环丁小叶子通过搜查古书上对物候的记载。结合现代科学的视角,用漫画的形式,沿着古人的脚印,为孩子们讲述自然界中一年里物候们的故事。让我们的孩子带着这本书用古人的视角去观察自然、认识万物,并且带领孩子们进入古人对于无法解释的现象的浪漫想象。</p> 2024-01-05T01:23:31Z 大型LNG接收站环境风险评估体系构建 王瑾 蒋会春 许盛彬 //www.snoollab.com:80/handle/2SGJ60CL/571387 2023-11-23T07:16:31Z 2023-09-27T02:53:31Z 题名: 大型LNG接收站环境风险评估体系构建 作者: 王瑾; 蒋会春; 许盛彬 摘要: 液化天然气(liquefied natural gas,LNG)接收站的主要环境风险为介质污染,通过构建LNG接收站环境风险评估体系,从规划建设、周边环境、功能分区、运营管理、应急处置5个维度筛选23项指标因素,运用G1模型为各项指标赋权,建立LNG接收站环境风险综合指数计算模型和评估准则.以广东省某LNG接收站为例,评估结果表明:总体环境风险为一般等级,LNG储罐区环境风险达到较大等级,验证了所提出的LNG接收站环境风险评估体系及其计算模型具有较好的可操作性和有效性. 2023-09-27T02:53:31Z 河流水生态提升的初步探索与实践 张桐 赵航 马林 王香莲 陈彤 胡清 //www.snoollab.com:80/handle/2SGJ60CL/328830 2023-09-28T08:45:02Z 2022-04-08T08:23:32Z 题名: 河流水生态提升的初步探索与实践 作者: 张桐; 赵航; 马林; 王香莲; 陈彤; 胡清 摘要: <p>该项目采用的强化OHR微纳米曝气技术和碳纤维生态草相结合的创新工艺,对河流水生态提升过程进行了实践探索。君兰河在经过原位治理后水质得到了明显提升,水中氨氮等的污染指标显著下降,水体从地表劣V类水达到V类水质的标准。该技术的成功应用为河流水生态的治理与恢复提供了良好的示范,未来有望得到进一步的推广和应用。&nbsp;</p> 2022-04-08T08:23:32Z 不同广藿香产区土壤中重金属污染特征及风险评价 丁隆真 廖长丹 王超 叶力瑛 胡清 //www.snoollab.com:80/handle/2SGJ60CL/328731 2022-05-10T08:58:19Z 2022-04-08T01:03:05Z 题名: 不同广藿香产区土壤中重金属污染特征及风险评价 作者: 丁隆真; 廖长丹; 王超; 叶力瑛; 胡清 摘要: <p>[目的]探明广东和广西两省区不同产区的广藿香种植土壤中重金属污染特征及其风险,为广藿香的安全品质评价及其种植土壤的重金属污染防控提供科学依据.[方法]协同采集两广代表性产区的广藿香植株及其根区土壤样品,测定铜、汞、砷、铅、镉、铬、镍和锌共8种重金属的全量和有效态含量.运用单因子污染指数法和Nemerow污染指数法,对比评价两广广藿香种植土壤中重金属的污染特征及风险等级.结合广藿香植株的重金属富集系数和广藿香植株中重金属含量与土壤中重金属含量间的相关性,阐明土壤中重金属污染对广藿香安全品质的影响.[结果]①两广产区广藿香种植土壤的重金属污染均已达警戒线,且广西产区的广藿香种植土壤中重金属污染程度比广东产区的更高.广藿香种植土壤中镉的污染覆盖产地最广,平均单因子污染指数最大(0.95),需引起重视.②两广地区的广藿香植株中重金属含量均低于《中国药典》的限量值,总体情况安全.③广藿香对砷、汞、铜和铅的吸收能力弱,但易累积镉,且不受产地差异影响.广藿香茎比广藿香叶更容易富集镉.[结论]控制镉有效态含量是广藿香产区土壤中重金属污染防控的重点.</p> 2022-04-08T01:03:05Z 创新设计系列课程-绿色发展创新与实践 胡清 王超 胡博文 王宏 //www.snoollab.com:80/handle/2SGJ60CL/328609 2024-07-28T13:05:22Z 2022-04-07T09:34:58Z 题名: 创新设计系列课程-绿色发展创新与实践 作者: 胡清; 王超; 胡博文; 王宏 摘要: <p><span style="font-family:宋体">本书分为两个部分,第一部分为</span><span style="font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;,serif">1-3</span><span style="font-family:宋体">章,介绍了面向未来的人才培养的十大核心要素以及培养方法。同时,介绍了关于创新设计课程的背景、课程性质与任务、课程要求、评价标准等要素。第二部分是教学实践案例分析,分别涉及水、生态、固废、废气、噪声、循环经济、智慧环保等当前生态环境领域急需探索的热点问题。通过案例,读者可以看出创新设计课程实践对培养学生各项能力的促进作用。本书可供教授环境相关专业实践课程的教师与相关专业的同学参考。</span></p> 2022-04-07T09:34:58Z Adaptive Exploration for Unsupervised Person Re-identification Ding,Yuhang Fan,Hehe Xu,Mingliang Yang,Yi //www.snoollab.com:80/handle/2SGJ60CL/138256 2024-08-02T18:44:43Z 2020-06-07T23:02:00Z 题名: Adaptive Exploration for Unsupervised Person Re-identification 作者: Ding,Yuhang; Fan,Hehe; Xu,Mingliang; Yang,Yi 摘要: Due to domain bias, directly deploying a deep person re-identification (re-ID) model trained on one dataset often achieves considerably poor accuracy on another dataset. In this article, we propose an Adaptive Exploration (AE) method to address the domain-shift problem for re-ID in an unsupervised manner. Specifically, in the target domain, the re-ID model is inducted to (1) maximize distances between all person images and (2) minimize distances between similar person images. In the first case, by treating each person image as an individual class, a non-parametric classifier with a feature memory is exploited to encourage person images to move far away from each other. In the second case, according to a similarity threshold, our method adaptively selects neighborhoods for each person image in the feature space. By treating these similar person images as the same class, the non-parametric classifier forces them to stay closer. However, a problem of the adaptive selection is that, when an image has too many neighborhoods, it is more likely to attract other images as its neighborhoods. As a result, a minority of images may select a large number of neighborhoods while a majority of images has only a few neighborhoods. To address this issue, we additionally integrate a balance strategy into the adaptive selection. We evaluate our methods with two protocols. The first one is called "target-only re-ID", in which only the unlabeled target data is used for training. The second one is called "domain adaptive re-ID", in which both the source data and the target data are used during training. Experimental results on large-scale re-ID datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Our code has been released at https://github.com/dyh127/Adaptive-Exploration-for-Unsupervised-Person-Re-Identification. 2020-06-07T23:02:00Z 美国废弃矿山场地调查与修复 胡清 方莉 卢军 李佳 汪安宁 李奕杰 朱焰 林斯杰 //www.snoollab.com:80/handle/2SGJ60CL/125058 2021-12-12T11:34:46Z 2020-04-26T09:48:16Z 题名: 美国废弃矿山场地调查与修复 作者: 胡清; 方莉; 卢军; 李佳; 汪安宁; 李奕杰; 朱焰; 林斯杰 摘要: <p>本书对美国废弃矿山场地的调查与修复进行了阐述,本书旨在向读者介绍美国废弃矿山调查与修复经验,对相关资料进行研究与梳理。通常采用美国惯用的理论系统,以期尽量向读者完整系统地呈现美国废弃矿山调查与修复的相关情况,内容丰宣,实例详实,对我国废弃矿山的场地修复有很强的借鉴意义。</p> 2020-04-26T09:48:16Z 绿色可持续场地修复 胡清 王宏 童立志 //www.snoollab.com:80/handle/2SGJ60CL/124903 2022-12-04T16:30:13Z 2020-04-24T09:29:59Z 题名: 绿色可持续场地修复 作者: 胡清; 王宏; 童立志 摘要: <p>伴随着国内《土壤污染防治行动计划》(&ldquo;土十条&rdquo;)的出台,土壤修复市场已经打开。在借鉴国外先进的成熟的修复技术的同时,我们还要充分利用&ldquo;后发优势&rdquo;,充分吸收绿色可持续修复的理念,在环境修复事业上避免或少走弯路。为此,本书首先梳理了美国和英国等发达国家的污染场地管理法律法规的演变,其次,对目前修复工程作出决策的流程和主流的修复技术进行总结,强调了推行绿色可持续修复的紧迫性。再次,对绿色可持续修复的概念、内涵、框架、指标体系、评价方法进行了介绍,并对国内外的工程实践进行了分析,对绿色可持续修复在中国的前景、切入点和需要注意的问题进行了展望。</p> 2020-04-24T09:29:59Z A comparison on phosphorus release and struvite recovery from waste activated sludge by different treatment methods Liu, Xiaolei Li, Anjie Ma, Lisha Jing, Zaitao Yang, Jing Tang, Yi Hu, Bin //www.snoollab.com:80/handle/2SGJ60CL/50633 2024-08-02T21:37:07Z 2020-01-19T00:49:15Z 题名: A comparison on phosphorus release and struvite recovery from waste activated sludge by different treatment methods 作者: Liu, Xiaolei; Li, Anjie; Ma, Lisha; Jing, Zaitao; Yang, Jing; Tang, Yi; Hu, Bin 摘要: Enhancing phosphorus (P) recovery from P-rich waste activated sludge is economically effective for sustainable development and long-term food security. It is the first step for struvite recovery to find a new way to release phosphorus fully from the waste activated sludge. In this study, food-processing wastewater was found to contribute to phosphorus-rich activated sludge, which was suitable for the recovery of phosphorus in comparison with sewage sludge. In addition, six sludge treatment methods were examined resulting in significant differences on the release and recovery performance of phosphorus and nitrogen. Enzymatic hydrolysis (EH) pre-treatment showed better phosphorus release while thermal hydrolysis (TH) pre-treatment was beneficial for nitrogen release. Anaerobic fermentation (AF) after sludge pre-treatment significantly increased the accumulation of ammonia nitrogen (around 34% of sludge total nitrogen, TN) and orthophosphate (around 68% of sludge total phosphorus, TP) in the hydrolysate for struvite recovery. The highest P recovery rate was obtained using a combined EH-AF (67.98% of sludge TP). Although non-pretreated AF and free nitrous acid hydrolysis (FNAH)-AF could also achieve comparable release of phosphorus and nitrogen, the purity of struvite obtained by EH, TH, EH-AF and TH-AF was better than the former. This study provides important information on the effects of different sludge treatment methods to the release of nitrogen and phosphorus to guide the application.<br/> &copy; 2019 Elsevier Ltd 2020-01-19T00:49:15Z Influent characteristics affect biodiesel production from waste sludge in biological wastewater treatment systems Chi, Xia Li, Anjie Li, Meixi Ma, Lisha Tang, Yi Hu, Bin Yang, Jing //www.snoollab.com:80/handle/2SGJ60CL/27426 2024-07-30T21:22:39Z 2019-10-06T05:04:55Z 题名: Influent characteristics affect biodiesel production from waste sludge in biological wastewater treatment systems 作者: Chi, Xia; Li, Anjie; Li, Meixi; Ma, Lisha; Tang, Yi; Hu, Bin; Yang, Jing 摘要: Biodiesel is a renewable and environmentally friendly energy source. The use of biological wastewater treatment systems for excess sludge in the biodiesel production can achieve both sludge reduction and resource recovery. In this study, an in situ one-step method for producing biodiesel from excess secondary sludge was investigated; then the differences in both biodiesel yield and composition produced from the five industrial wastewater sludges and two municipal wastewater sludges were studied. The results showed that ultrasonic pretreatment of sludge was not necessary for biodiesel production by in situ acid-catalyzed transesterification. The addition of n-hexane during transesterification was significant to determine the performance of biodiesel production. Significant differences were found in yield and composition of the sludge lipid from seven different types of wastewater. The sludge oil of starch wastewater and restaurant wastewater was significantly higher than those of tannery wastewater, landfill leachate, and livestock wastewater, which was mainly due to the significant differences on wastewater quality and sludge microbial structure. The higher organic content (especially sugar), COD/TN and COD/TP ratios and better biodegradability in wastewater led to the dominance of Saprospiraceae and Anaerolineaceae, finally benefited the lipid accumulation in excess secondary sludge for biodiesel production. 2019-10-06T05:04:55Z